What Acupuncture Treats
Traditional Chinese Medicine (including acupuncture) is a complete form of medicine, which means it has historically been used to treat all areas of illness. At its core is a model of health which is where the acupuncturist is always heading.
Because of this model of health and the subtlety of the medicine, this makes acupuncture and Chinese medicine very well suited for preventative medicine. And because we know how health is supposed to look, acupuncture can be useful with many illnesses and imbalances, even if it isn’t the main treatment the patient using. Chinese medicine is often particularly good when the illness is considered "sub-clinical" in western medicine before full blown illness has set in.
Acupuncture treatment can include
- Acupuncture
- Cupping
- Moxibustion
- Guasha
- Electroacupuncture.
Commonly Treated Imbalances
seen in our Seattle, Bellevue and Tacoma acupuncture clinics:
- Acute and Chronic Pain. See our pain section.
- Fertility Enhancement. See our fertility section for more information.
- Pregnancy related health issues such as morning sickness, gestational diabetes, threatened miscarriage, and labor preparation. See our pregnancy pages.
- Anxiety and Depression are usually very well treated with acupuncture. Information about treating anxiety and depression here.
- Digestive Complaints. It becomes even more appealing when western medicine hasn’t been able to help.
- Insomnia. Acupuncture can often help alleviate many types of insomnia, whether it trouble falling asleep or waking in the night.
- Respiratory Illnesses such as allergies, asthma, colds and flus.
- Women’s Health Issues such as PMS, peri-menopausal symptoms, painful periods, irregular cycles, and amenorrhea.
Find Your Chinese Medicine Type!
There are several ways to diagnosis yourself using Chinese medicine. You can look at the Five Elements or you can diagnose yourself using the Zang Fu method.
Click Here To Find Your Chinese Medicine Type!
Acupuncture Northwest & Associates has clinics in Seattle, Tacoma and Bellevue.