Acupuncture and Blood Flow to the Uterus
Acupuncture in improving endometrial receptivity: a systematic review and meta-analysis
We found very low to moderate level of evidence that acupuncture may improve pregnancy rate and embryo transfer rate, increase trilinear endometrium, thicken endometrium, reduce resistive index (RI), pulse index (PI) and peak systolic velocity/ end-diastolic blood velocity (S/D), compared with medication, sham acupuncture or physiotherapy. Acupuncture was statistically significant as a treatment approach.
Published on Mar 13, 2019
Endometrial growth and uterine blood flow: a pilot study for improving endometrial thickness in the patients with a thin endometrium
Takasaki A, Tamura H, Miwa I, Taketani T, Shimamura K, Sugino N. 2010 Endometrial growth and uterine blood flow: a pilot study for improving endometrial thickness in the patients with a thin endometrium. Fertil Steril. 93(6):1851-8.
Published on Apr 1, 2010
Reduction of blood flow impedance in the uterine arteries of infertile women with electro-acupuncture.
Stener-Victorin E, Waldenström U, Andersson SA, Wikland M., Hum Reprod. 1996 Jun;11(6):1314-7.
Source: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Fertility Centre Scandinavia, University of Gothenburg, S-413 45 Gothenburg, Sweden.
CONCLUSION: Compared to the mean baseline PI (pulsatility index), the mean PI was significantly reduced both shortly after the eighth EA treatment (P < 0.0001) and 10-14 days after the EA period (P < 0.0001).
Published on Jun 11, 1996
The Limitation of Randomized Control Trials on the Influence of Acupuncture and In Vitro Fertilization: A Literature Review
Wang, Y., Shen, X., Hu, Y. F., & Sodders, R. (2022). The Limitation of Randomized Control Trials on the Influence of Acupuncture and In Vitro Fertilization: A Literature Review. Medical acupuncture, 34(1), 24–33.
Objective: Acupuncture has gained popularity among patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, the beneficial effect of acupuncture for improving IVF success is controversial and debatable. Given that different meta-analyses have come to different conclusions, it is crucial to explore the clinical trials in more detail. This literature review examined the limitation of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the influence of acupuncture in IVF. Methods: This review began with 844 studies. The inclusion criteria were studies that had acupuncture treatments in conjunction with IVF. After exclusion criteria were applied, the final number of peer-reviewed studies was 10. Results: There were substantial variations in the results of the 10 RCTs. This seemed to suggest that acupuncture was not effective in conjunction with IVF treatment. However, limitations emerged that might explain these variations in results. Such limitations include timing of acupuncture and point selections; acupuncture not performed by experienced licensed acupuncturists; lack of Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnoses and fixed protocols causing biases; acupuncture dosages; and using sham acupuncture as a control. Conclusions: There is an urgent need for further research into the effectiveness of acupuncture for improving IVF outcomes. This review provides insight into this complex and controversial topic, revealing limitations of the clinical trials that led to different conclusions. If future research can examine acupuncture treatment carefully to resemble real-world clinical practice-having appropriate controls and individualized acupuncture treatments-increasingly positive effects from acupuncture in IVF may be expected.
Published on Feb 1, 2022