Washington State Ranks #41 on Fertility Friendliness

RESOLVE, the National Association of Infertility, gave Washington State a D on its fertility report card. Grades were based on the following information:

Insurance mandate climate in state
Legislative climate in state (current laws and legislation introduced in 2012)
Number of accredited fertility clinics in state relative to the state’s infertile population[i] Number of RESOLVE support groups in state

Richard Reindollar, MD, (President-Elect, American Society for Reproductive Medicine) makes a good point:

“Getting a diagnosis of infertility can be emotionally devastating. To find out their health insurance does not cover it, or that policy makers are actively seeking to block their treatments, makes it even more difficult for our patients. Excellent infertility care is available throughout the country. These grades do not reflect the quality of the clinical care in the state. Rather, they focus on the social, economic and political environment around treatment of infertility in each of the states.”

Lets hope for better a better score in the coming years!


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